Tuesday, January 25, 2011

bullshitting 101~#86 - Job Interview

Well, here's the updates on jobs.

Erm, my 1st interview was in Dec 2010, the eve of Christmas, 24th December, at 6.30pm. Yeah, crazy, it was Christmas eve, and they work late. LOL. The pay offered was too low, after calculating expences, I didn't quite like the job, especially after knowing that the work time was from 9 to 11 at night and there are time where they have to work on weekends. PERGH! Crazy, with only RM1500?? Travelling all the way from Kajang to Damansara? No thank you. LOL.

So, I have another interview tomorrow, 25th January 2011. This one, I have to thank Miss P, for helping me to ask her boss if they have a job placement. :) THANK YOU CIK P!!! Well, I'm not sure if I will get it or not, but, miss P, seriously, you asked your boss pun dah cukup, even if he/she said no. :) 

Oh dear, let's see how things goes tomorrow yeah.

But I'm hoping to get a job with butter&bread advertising. From their job ad, they seem like a fun company to work with. Hmm. I dunno lah. Let's just put it all in the magic of my confidence and in the hands of God. =)

u kno u love me,

bullshitting 101~#85 - 24th January 2011 message from Ied.

Today, I woke up at 8am, went to the vet, brought my 3 sick cats. My phone was on silent at all times and was just left in my bag in the car. At about 12ish, I took out my phone, while I was waiting for mom to buy groceries. I saw a message.

Sorry la, smlm sy tido.. tggl mana skrg?

O..dah hbis bljr. sy keja ok...

Blum lg x da jodoh lg. awk?
*this message was replied to me because I asked if he's married. LMAO~

Skrg awk masih dgn dia?
*this message was replied to me because I told him that the last ex bf I had was the one he saw - Mr. M...

Oo...ingt dah khawin..
*this message was replied to me because I think he got confused. LOL. Then I told him I was single since april of 2010.

X da pun jgk..
*this message was replied to me because I was curious all the time since the broke up, if he had dated other girls after our break up. Just as I thought so..LOL..

Smpai skrg ke? ke u ingt masa... hehe..
*this message was replied to me because I told him that I once saw him driving a police car, then I turned back, saw a police car, and I followed it because I thought it was him, but it wasnt. Then I also said I was sorry because I just couldnt stop thinking about him since the break up. After this message reply, I replied back saying that I can't stop thinking about him because he's the only guy whom actually had alot in common with me, and he understands me, and that I could feel love from him back then.

That was it. Then, total silent again. I don't know if he went silent because the message I sent freaked him out, or because he fell asleep, again. LOL. But after the no reply for hours, I sent 1 message saying 'ey, awk tertido lg ek? awk masih kerja mlm ek? takpe.. i fhm. u mesti penat. u jaga diri k. :) '


Somehow, if felt weird. After all these years of wanting to find him so badly, wanting him so badly and just want want want, now that he finally started texting me, after TOO long, I feel like, excited but scared. Hmm. See right, I don't want someone who's just gonna be my boyfriend. I'm actually looking for a man with a husband quality. I know he has that in him, but the work part is terrible, but then, the Q is, if he ever get back with me again, that is if he do la, will my parents accept him? Hmmm.....A long ponder there.

u kno u love me,

Monday, January 24, 2011

bullshitting 101~#84 - The ex is back a.k.a. IED!

Oh dear.

since the break up in July 2008, I have been waiting and waiting.

I was not able to get him out of my head no matter how many replacements I had.

Let's recap. 

2010 Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

I went to the bookstore, purchaced the most awesome raya card, wrote a really long message in it, sneaked up to Ied's house postbox, so many postbox, oh well, townhouse, so place the card in one postbox that I pressume it was his, apparently it was the wrong one, Miss P said someone placed the card in another postbox, then one day, the card was gone, I had a lot of assumptions back then, thought someone stole it, or maybe he didn't want to be friends anymore, maybe his brother secretly read it then threw it away blablabla. Woah, that's a long recap. Haha.

Today, 23rd January 2011.

I received a text message that reads 'hai ni natra ke?' Well usually I'd go super rude by answering 'no,ini nathra' See, I hate it when people spells my name wrongly. But, heck, I was asleep when I heard my phone saying 'one message received', yeap, that's my message tone. LOL. So I just replied 'yes.' That was it. I slept back. Then I woke up about 1.30pm, went for shower, came out, while I was getting dressed, I received another text message saying 'sorry ganggu trima kasih la sbb hntr kad raya hari 2..' And my heart seriously paused(nope, it didnt stopped,LOL), I was like, oh shoots. Ok, the reason why that happened? Coz he was the only man, person , human being that I sent a card to last year ok. So, totally easy to know who the person was right? Then I replied 'Erm, iedrus?' and he sent another message that reads 'Ya sy...' WOAH!!!!!IT IS IEDRUS...pergh..onli this time, there wasnt test..damn, I shud have given a test question like back then eh? See how much he remembers rite? LOL. Neway. I replied 'Owh, i ingat, u dah benci i...' Then he replied a message that reads 'X da mana ada pun..' So I thought to myself that 'ok, he's cool with being friends' and I replied him saying 'Saya nk mintak maaf, sbb seludup letak kad tu kat peti surat u. kelakar je masa tu. owh, kerja mcmmana?' and that message was sent at 2.56pm, now it's 12.35AM..Still no reply. Well I did text him once at 8'ish at night, saying 'hi..tgh buat ape?'...But still no reply. I don't want to call him, or even texting again, because last time, we broke up because apparently he claims that I don't understand his job. So, I better just shut now, let him start. Right? OMG, I don't even know what's right and what's wrong anymore. ARGHHH!!!

Newayz, let's just see how things goes. Really need a dosh right now. LOL.

p/s: I've been single since April 2010. WOOT WOOT!!!

u kno u love me,

bullshitting 101~#83 - Been Busy

Woah, went lost for a while then.

So, the updates...Yeah, I've been seriously looking for a job now. Figured out that I can't be taking money from my broke parents all the time right. :) Good step to being mature! Woohoo! Lol..Occay, I've been busy, sleeping at 4am, waking up at 4pm, looking for job at night, replying comments on my facebook, deleting my notification emails, crazy nonsense facebook chats and bla bla bla...I did thought of logging in to update my blog, but, I didn't quite felt like writing. Hmm. Wait, do you readers think that I fit to be a writer? Since I was recently active on blogging, I felt like I love writing. Oh, I haven't wrote poems in such a long time eh? Hmm. Gosh, so many things I wanna do and HAVE TO DO before I die.. Hmm.

Newayz, all this pushing around by everyone, asking me of what I'm doing, pushing me to work, it finally went through my thick skull, that I just have got to look for a job for the money to survive AND SO THAT EVERYONE WOULD LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. Hahaha. No seriously, try having people pushing you around, telling you what to do, bla bla bla. Then lecturers told you A, these people telling you to fuck what the lecturers said and just go with B..Which one I should listen to? People who has been in this industry I'm in or someone who's completely not from the art stream? Hmm. Blank. Confused. Lost. Silent. Just die please. LMAO~

Oh, well, actually, what's with all the anger. Sorry, had to let it out somewhere right? I didn't have anyone to tell, so, it's totally not wrong writing about it. Hmm. Anyway, money. Why is money so important? Why did humans become slaves to the word money? Humans would seriously do anything for money right? Even to the extend of having to self their baby, or selling their body, or loosing their family, even loosing their body parts. Seriously crazy. 

Have you readers actually got the chance to just pause your life, and just take a look around? Seriously, I've done it so many times. Look, our lives, everything is in the face pace, that's why it's called human race right? It's all a race, everyone running, rushing, fighting against the time. Just try this. Seriously. One day, when you're out shopping, just stop, pause, and look around at everyone. Or if you're stuck in a jam, pause, look around at other drivers. Or if you're standing, in a packedfull train, pause, look around. Try to observe. Everyone has money written all over their mind. But if you observe closely, you will find peace and calm at one of the faces you see. You know why? Because, that is the face that doesn't think that money is everything, that face doesn't put money first. Then when you are done observing, look at your self, see through your mind, ask yourself, weren't you thinking of money too?

Do you know why we adults always say that kids don't understand us? Because we created that reason. We choose to jump from peace, happy and free world into a messy, dark and gloomy world of our own. Do you even remember how peaceful your heart was beating back then when you were little? I do, and I still do feel it most of the time. Humans were never our enemy. The true enemy that is bringing us down, money. It sucks the life out of you, your soul, your strength, your heart, your feelings and all the power in you. At the end, here I am, writing about you, and there you are, being called as a slave to money.

Wow, it's been a long post now. You all go have fun. I shall continue doing my thing. I'm feeling another post. Aha.

u kno u love me,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

bullshitting 101~#82 - Job survey...

 So, I've been registering at Job pages..And I found 1 page that requires me to do a survey. A little tiring to do so, but the answers were fun. Haha. Here it goes:

 At a Glance
• Does not strive to complete tasks, prepared to leave work unfinished.Expresses emotions and needs attention. Tends to be concerned with own opinions and feelings.
• Empathetic, understanding, helpful and supportive.
• Does not seek positions of power or authority.
• Less trusting, but has the skills to engage people to fulfill own objectives.
• A good supporter of others.
• Less inclined to decide how and what needs to be done ahead of schedule.

 While at Work
Ms Devarajah is prepared to put in hard work moderately but she may at times prefer to work at her own pace.

Ms Devarajah is relatively dependable to deliver results on time. She may sometimes be late in meeting deadlines.

Ms Devarajah initiates plans and ideas easily but may not persist with the tasks until completion. She is prepared to leave tasks unfinished; hence she may prefer short-term assignments as she is more likely to complete these tasks. She may lose interest and focus when working on long term assignments.

Ms Devarajah is able to produce work that is moderately high in quality but she may at times be careless.

Ms Devarajah is an emotional person. She finds it difficult to conceal her feelings. She is likely to seek attention from others. Ms Devarajah is passionate, romantic and warm, and needs to be with people. As her emotional needs are high, she is often the 'taker' in a relationship. She tends to make decisions based on her own feelings and opinions.

Ms Devarajah is sympathetic and considerate towards others. She is also likely to be tolerant, understanding and forgiving. Ms Devarajah lends support and offers help readily. She often lends a listening ear to others and is concerned about their welfare. She is also charitable.

Ms Devarajah is friendly and outgoing when she is with friends although she may at times prefer to be quiet.

Ms Devarajah selectively forms strong bonds with people although these bonds may not be very deep.

Positions of power, influence and authority are not Ms Devarajah's concern. She does not mind letting others assert authority over her. She is accommodating, laid back and easy-going.

Ms Devarajah is moderately concerned with prestige, rank and reputation.

Ms Devarajah is skilful in managing people. She can be an excellent negotiator and is persuasive. She is also diplomatic and tactful in dealing with people. Ms Devarajah not only understands human behaviour and motives, she is also able to engage them to accomplish her objectives. Although curious and accurate about human nature, she neither trusts nor believes people easily.

A good supporter to the people around her, Ms Devarajah does not desire to lead or influence people. She is uncomfortable taking charge and does not feel the thrill of challenge in leading others. She prefers to responds rather than initiate. She looks to others to provide direction and does not naturally want to persuade or motivate others to take a certain course of action.

Ms Devarajah is as keen to explore abstract concepts when the topic appeals to her and she is as interested to discuss theoretical issues as the average person.

Being less inclined to plan, Ms Devarajah has the tendency to be disorganized, unsystematic and reactive to the situation. She may waste time and effort because she may end up having to rework her tasks due to lack of planning.

Ms Devarajah is generally able to express herself although not to a high degree of eloquence.

Ms Devarajah is generally able to tolerate some uncertainty although she would be uncomfortable if uncertainty or changes increase.

So,that's about it..hehe..

u know u love me,

Monday, January 03, 2011

bullshitting 101~#81 - Forget.


That's what I need to do now. So many things I need to forget. But now, the main priority on my forget list is Mr. E. Yes. Him.

I need to forget my feelings for him. Gosh, I feel stupid each time I like a guy. Stupid right? I should'nt be liking any guys, especially after all the shietzos I had to go through because of the bloody creatures created called men. Oh, maybe I was dating boys all these while. Now, I'm 25. Yet, still can't find a man, wait, I can't even see a man in my life, all I see are stupid male humans. LOL.

So, Im giving up on Mr E. This give up is not the bad kind of give up that you all hear. This one is good. I must forget my feelings for him or any other guys. Plus, I need to concentrate on finding a job, so that I could save money to re-do my swimming pool. Weeee~ Swim naked?NOT!! LMAO~

This is it, yes, it might take sometime, especially to stop writing about him, but I know damn sure that I can do it. Easy as 1,2 and 3. :) If I made it, letting go all those stupid species of male humans in my life, Mr. E will be an easy one too. Especially now, that Im starting to question what I actually feel for him. I know, it's going away. I'm letting go and I'm glad I am letting go. LOL.

Nathra always end up doing stupid decisions or at least always end up making herself look stupid. HAHA. But, this time, I know, this is the right decision. I know I'm right in what I'm doing now. And I'm glad I made this decision.

One thing I learn.

As humans, we never fail to receive choices or options. It's all up to us, of what we choose to do. People say it's all faith, but did you know, faith can be changed?

Why are we being called the human race? Because we always tend to run, always after something, always late, always have something to do. Everything is a race. Can we stop, look around, take a deep breath and feel the moment of being able to pause. That would be a good one.

u kno u love me,

bullshitting 101~#80 - Miss is a feeling.


That's what I'm feeling now.

I miss those chats I had with Mr. E, I miss those webcam sessions I have with him. I miss how he would make me laugh non-stop. I miss how cute he act while on webcam.

Why did we end up like this? Why do I feel the distance now? Would it make a difference if he had not forced me to tell him the truth, that I like you? Would it make a difference if I lied to him about the truth? Hmm.

Mr. E, why the hell did I have feelings for him? Why the hell did I like him? But this time, it doesn't hurt so much liking him and not getting the positive response I want from him. But each night, I still pray that he would open his heart for me to be in it. Hmm. I'd pray that he'd like me for me, for who I am, for my heart, for me being able to understand him and his job, not for other pathetic reasons. Would'nt it be a miracle if he suddenly tell me on the 15th Jan, 'Nathra, I like you so much, I was just testing you all these while'.... WOW. Sweeeeetttt...Haha..I think I would cry at that very second or most probably smile non-stop till he gets freaked out. LOL.

Weird lah. Why is it possible that when I like other guys and when I know it's negative, I can easily forget them. Why is it different with Mr. E? Why do I still pray and hope? Why do I feel like behind his words of 'Im a bad guy' I see good in him? Why why why? Urgh! Still can't be able to stop having questions in my life. LOL.

Well, see how far I went from the main topic. Haha. Occay, I miss him. I miss talking to him. I miss that once I actually felt close to him like he was my best friend, and that I can rely on him, I can tell him anything, I feel safe and comfortable with him. Haih. I guess, if time changes, days changes, week changes, month changes, year changes, what more, a person, he changed too, I changed to, you all changed too. Right? Hmm.

I'm going to end my post here, for now. Thank you for reading.

u kno u love me,

Saturday, January 01, 2011

bullshitting 101~#79 - 2011 has arrived..

Well well, 2011 has finally arrived eh? Oh hey, nah, I wasnt waiting for the year actually. I wished we could go back, cause it's scary, next is 2012, then what? We die? Haha..

So, newayz, happie new year to all of you readers, to friends and enemies, to the loved and unloved, to the rich and the poor, to the happy and the sad ones, to the young and the old, to the lost and found, to the remembered and the forgotten. Happie new year. I hope all your dreams, your wishes, your goals, your target, your hopes (even if you were hoping for the guy you like to like you back), I hope it all come true :)

I will always love you readers, doesnt matter if you're a silent reader, a loud reader, a hater or a lover =)

u kno u love me,