Monday, January 24, 2011

bullshitting 101~#83 - Been Busy

Woah, went lost for a while then.

So, the updates...Yeah, I've been seriously looking for a job now. Figured out that I can't be taking money from my broke parents all the time right. :) Good step to being mature! Woohoo! Lol..Occay, I've been busy, sleeping at 4am, waking up at 4pm, looking for job at night, replying comments on my facebook, deleting my notification emails, crazy nonsense facebook chats and bla bla bla...I did thought of logging in to update my blog, but, I didn't quite felt like writing. Hmm. Wait, do you readers think that I fit to be a writer? Since I was recently active on blogging, I felt like I love writing. Oh, I haven't wrote poems in such a long time eh? Hmm. Gosh, so many things I wanna do and HAVE TO DO before I die.. Hmm.

Newayz, all this pushing around by everyone, asking me of what I'm doing, pushing me to work, it finally went through my thick skull, that I just have got to look for a job for the money to survive AND SO THAT EVERYONE WOULD LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. Hahaha. No seriously, try having people pushing you around, telling you what to do, bla bla bla. Then lecturers told you A, these people telling you to fuck what the lecturers said and just go with B..Which one I should listen to? People who has been in this industry I'm in or someone who's completely not from the art stream? Hmm. Blank. Confused. Lost. Silent. Just die please. LMAO~

Oh, well, actually, what's with all the anger. Sorry, had to let it out somewhere right? I didn't have anyone to tell, so, it's totally not wrong writing about it. Hmm. Anyway, money. Why is money so important? Why did humans become slaves to the word money? Humans would seriously do anything for money right? Even to the extend of having to self their baby, or selling their body, or loosing their family, even loosing their body parts. Seriously crazy. 

Have you readers actually got the chance to just pause your life, and just take a look around? Seriously, I've done it so many times. Look, our lives, everything is in the face pace, that's why it's called human race right? It's all a race, everyone running, rushing, fighting against the time. Just try this. Seriously. One day, when you're out shopping, just stop, pause, and look around at everyone. Or if you're stuck in a jam, pause, look around at other drivers. Or if you're standing, in a packedfull train, pause, look around. Try to observe. Everyone has money written all over their mind. But if you observe closely, you will find peace and calm at one of the faces you see. You know why? Because, that is the face that doesn't think that money is everything, that face doesn't put money first. Then when you are done observing, look at your self, see through your mind, ask yourself, weren't you thinking of money too?

Do you know why we adults always say that kids don't understand us? Because we created that reason. We choose to jump from peace, happy and free world into a messy, dark and gloomy world of our own. Do you even remember how peaceful your heart was beating back then when you were little? I do, and I still do feel it most of the time. Humans were never our enemy. The true enemy that is bringing us down, money. It sucks the life out of you, your soul, your strength, your heart, your feelings and all the power in you. At the end, here I am, writing about you, and there you are, being called as a slave to money.

Wow, it's been a long post now. You all go have fun. I shall continue doing my thing. I'm feeling another post. Aha.

u kno u love me,

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