Monday, September 20, 2010

bullshitting 101~#50 - Note to my lost baby,Rasta.

*Belaian Jiwa*

Rasta a.k.a. chacha my baby,Seindah tiada lagi kau ku ingatkan,Sayang kau hilang,Menanti biar sampai akhir hayat ku di dunia ini,Kau tahu bertapa ku sayang padamu,Hanya bidadari sebagai ganti(bidadar pun xdpt gantikan mu),Hanya takdir menentukan ia,Oh belaian jiwa.Sayang,kembalilah padaku,ku rindu belaianmu,ku harap,kita akan bersama,selamanya.

My note to her is a prayer.

It's been too long,and I cant seem to let you go. I prayed every night for you to be back again. I prayed that I would see you by my window again, and each time I turn and look at the window, my heart would beat so fast, feeling like you would pop up. 28th June 2010, I wish I didn't wake up that morning, I wish I didn't let you out that morning, I wish I didn't have to go do my assignment. 27th June 2010, that was the last night I slept with you, the last day i heard your meow, the last day I lay my head on your body,feeling your heartbeat, the last day I hand fed u, the last day I talked to you. The last day, I lived. Now, I'm incomplete. And I still cry myself to sleep every night, I still pray so hard wishing I would get to do things with you again. No one would understand, why I went crazy just loosing my babies which apparently is cats. But Rasta, I lived since I was 15 because of you and the rest. You guys make me complete. If you guys weren't here,i would have ended my life. Now, you're gone. But when all of you leave me, I will leave too, I will end my life too because I kept living for you all. I love you Rasta. The memories, they haunt me all the time. And I cant seem to let you go. Just wait awhile more, I know, We will all be a perfect lil family again, in our own private world.

 *Oh how I miss my lil baby so much. How she would pretend to sleep in my arms when I stroke her. How she sleeps on my tummy, and when I laugh, the vibration from the laugh would make her growl. How loving she was. Oh God, please let me meet her real soon. I would trade my life in, just to see her again, just to get her back, in our perfect little family which is so not perfect without her anymore. 

u know u love me,
