wow...there i wuz,using the computer couple of days before my birthday,my sister came petting my head and calling me "sayang"..weird but true..hmm..she asked me if i wanted my present that day or on my birthday..i just smile and said,i dont she just gave me the present there n then..i smelled it(always do when i get new things) and said i knoe wat this is a book..a poem book i wanted so much..i wuz happie,of course..who wouldnt be happie receiving presents,rite?fine then...26june at midnite,i started receiving sms'es from frenz..not close frenz...i wuz so called my frenz,best frenz,never even made me the day finally came,27th june...i woke up..took a shower,did everything and got ready to go out..told my mum i wanna go to my ex highschool..i went alone..none of my friends wanted to accompany me on that day...sad...but my ex wanted to meet me..fine..he's i went to school,met my favourite teacher n left her my poems for her to read n do some corrections..then i went to metro-->the only mall in kajang-->the city of hell...while waiting for him in a shop having a glass of syrup all alone,a guy from the next table came and ask for my name..he wanted to know me..owhhh...gatal..haha..i said no..but he ask me like he wuz begging for my i told him the name..he left..then my ex wuz 2 at that time..we sat there,talking and my phone rang,the name "muh crib" appears..and i wuz like,damn...whut do they want..and found out,my mom told me to come home at that very wuz 2.15..i had to say ok cuz i promised her i will be back bout she dont knoe bout me meeting my safer if i'd leave at that very i went home after only 15minutes of hanging out with my ex..damn...and that's if for that day..nothing else..but happie to when tash(my sister who is stuck in uk) called to wish me and told me she bought a present for me..haha..but,otherwise,that's it...sad sad but all true..whut a much for the day called "birthday"........
-written by princess nathra-
What goes around comes around,what goes up must come down.Karma will be catching up soon...
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Writing in the afterlife-->by billy collins
I imagined the atmosphere would be clear,
shot with pristine light,
not this sulfurous haze,
the air ionized as before a thunderstorm.
many have pictured a river here,
but no one mentioned all the boats,
their benches crowded with naked passengers,
each bent over a writing tablet.
I knew I would not always be a child
with a model train and a model tunnel,
and I knew I would not live forever,
jumping all day through the hoop of myself.
I had heard about the journey to the other side
and the clink of the final coin
in the leather purse of the man holding the oar,
but how could anyone have guessed
that as soon as we arrived
we would be asked to describe this place
and to include as much detail as possible--
not just the water,he insists,
rather the oily,fathomless,rat-happy water,
not simply the shackles,but the rusty,
iron,ankle-shredding shackles--
and that our next assignment would be
to jot down,off the tops of our heads,
our thoughts and feelings about being dead,
not really an assignment,
the man rotating the oar keeps telling us--
think of it more as an exercise,he groansm
think of writing as a process,
a never-ending,infernal process,
and now the boats have become jammed together,
bow against stern,stern locked to bow,
and not a thing is moving,only our diligent pens.
-this poem is taken from the poem book "nine horses" written by Billy Collins,the author of sailing alone around the room-
shot with pristine light,
not this sulfurous haze,
the air ionized as before a thunderstorm.
many have pictured a river here,
but no one mentioned all the boats,
their benches crowded with naked passengers,
each bent over a writing tablet.
I knew I would not always be a child
with a model train and a model tunnel,
and I knew I would not live forever,
jumping all day through the hoop of myself.
I had heard about the journey to the other side
and the clink of the final coin
in the leather purse of the man holding the oar,
but how could anyone have guessed
that as soon as we arrived
we would be asked to describe this place
and to include as much detail as possible--
not just the water,he insists,
rather the oily,fathomless,rat-happy water,
not simply the shackles,but the rusty,
iron,ankle-shredding shackles--
and that our next assignment would be
to jot down,off the tops of our heads,
our thoughts and feelings about being dead,
not really an assignment,
the man rotating the oar keeps telling us--
think of it more as an exercise,he groansm
think of writing as a process,
a never-ending,infernal process,
and now the boats have become jammed together,
bow against stern,stern locked to bow,
and not a thing is moving,only our diligent pens.
-this poem is taken from the poem book "nine horses" written by Billy Collins,the author of sailing alone around the room-
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
i will be smart,
i will be rich,
i will be what i want to be..
i will be there,
i will waiting,
i will be calling,
my voice will be flying with the wind..
i will be proud,
i will be what u want me to be,
i will stand tall,
and speak for the world..
im sure of what i will say,
i wont be a tiny ants,shrinking,without anyone seeing,i will be a big,noticable human,
standing tall on this world..
wait for me there,
coz i will be coming,
to see u there.....
created by,
-princess_nathra- on 28thjune
i will be smart,
i will be rich,
i will be what i want to be..
i will be there,
i will waiting,
i will be calling,
my voice will be flying with the wind..
i will be proud,
i will be what u want me to be,
i will stand tall,
and speak for the world..
im sure of what i will say,
i wont be a tiny ants,shrinking,without anyone seeing,i will be a big,noticable human,
standing tall on this world..
wait for me there,
coz i will be coming,
to see u there.....
created by,
-princess_nathra- on 28thjune
Thursday, June 23, 2005
27 june a date to remember,
where a beautifool baby girl wuz born..
she wuz preety,cheerful,sophisticated and smart,
she wuz indeed the future's beauty queen,
but all of a sudden,
god wanted all that to change,
she became a cute,bassically a normal person..
god....i cant do seriously running out of ideas now to write a d way,the gurl was called nathra..and she wuz ME!!!hahaha....
where a beautifool baby girl wuz born..
she wuz preety,cheerful,sophisticated and smart,
she wuz indeed the future's beauty queen,
but all of a sudden,
god wanted all that to change,
she became a cute,bassically a normal person..
god....i cant do seriously running out of ideas now to write a d way,the gurl was called nathra..and she wuz ME!!!hahaha....
Monday, June 20, 2005
for INDRA!!
bukan itu yg ku pinta..sayangku..
bukan itu yg ku mahukan...
tetapi keadaan yg memaksa ku memutuskan hubungan ini..
tetapi atas dasar cinta..
ku tidak ingin menyusahkan dirimu..
ku tidak ingin melihat mu susah kerna ku..
aku menyayangimu..aku mengasihimu..
aku ingin bersamamu..utk selamanya..
tetapi..ku ingin kau bergembira..
ku ingin kau hidup senang..
kau teruskanlah berusaha..
teruskanlah bekerja..mencari rezeki..
janganlah kau risaukan pasal daku..
janganlah bersedih kerna diriku..
janganlah berputus asa kerna keputusan ku..
aku pasti kejayaan akan kau bawa sama..
akan kau capai kejayaan itu!!
bukan itu yg ku mahukan...
tetapi keadaan yg memaksa ku memutuskan hubungan ini..
tetapi atas dasar cinta..
ku tidak ingin menyusahkan dirimu..
ku tidak ingin melihat mu susah kerna ku..
aku menyayangimu..aku mengasihimu..
aku ingin bersamamu..utk selamanya..
tetapi..ku ingin kau bergembira..
ku ingin kau hidup senang..
kau teruskanlah berusaha..
teruskanlah bekerja..mencari rezeki..
janganlah kau risaukan pasal daku..
janganlah bersedih kerna diriku..
janganlah berputus asa kerna keputusan ku..
aku pasti kejayaan akan kau bawa sama..
akan kau capai kejayaan itu!!
Friday, June 17, 2005
criminals??the guilt in me!! stupid humans are this days??gosh...brainless stupid uneducated humans!!yesterday..i wuz walking down the street of my house with my fren..and we saw a box.."filled with 3 kittens!!"..gosh..y??y humans these days cud be so brainless..the kittens shud be bout 1 month old...poor cute little d goes the guilt storie...then i brought home the kittens and guess whut i got from my parents??-->a true shout and scolding..gosh...guess saving the kittens was wronmg to them rite?? my mum told me to send those kittens to the tnb cuz there's alot of kids n family people i and my fren walk to the tnb at the back of my house and left it in front of a house..which so happen the occupant of the house was going out and they were in the car waiting and watching wat me and my fren was doing...then they reversed the car and me and my fren ran home as fast as we cud...gosh..we so so lost our breathe...but that really made me feel guilty..i felt like i was the one throwing the kittens..i hope god wont blame me for doing that..i had no fren didnt want not the one who left those kittens in a box by d street..hmm...anyway..i really hope those occupants will take good care of the kittens...hmmm.... *sad*
Saturday, June 11, 2005
No title yet!!
Sesungguhnya Tuhan itu maha berkuasa,
Sesungguhnya Tuhan itu pengasih dan penyayang,
Sesungguhnya Tuhan itu maha segala...
Mengapa oh mengapa?
Mengapa duniaku ini berbeza?
Mengapa diriku ini lemah?
Mengapa aku rebah ke bumi,
Dan tidak dapat merasa lagi?
Apa salahku di dunia?
Ya,aku memang bersalah,
Aku menipu orang dan diriku sendiri..
Aku tidak dapat melarikan diri,
Mahupun menukar emosiku ini...
Betapa bencinya hatiku pada diriku ini,
Aku menyalahkan diriku untuk segalanya,
Aku menagih simpati,belas kasihan,
padahal,aku sudah memiliki segalanya,
Segalanya yang lebih dari mencukupi,
Tapi,aku sedar,
Tuhan telah menjadikan manusia begini,
Manusia tidak pernah berpuas hati,
Mungkin kerna itu,aku benci akan diriku ini?
Tapi aku tahu,
Aku pasti akan dapat menyayangi diriku ini,
Bila tiba hari itu,
Aku kan bersyukur pada Tuhan,
Kerna segalanya yang telah diberikan...
Akan ku sedar...Akan ku sedar...
Sesungguhnya Tuhan itu pengasih dan penyayang,
Sesungguhnya Tuhan itu maha segala...
Mengapa oh mengapa?
Mengapa duniaku ini berbeza?
Mengapa diriku ini lemah?
Mengapa aku rebah ke bumi,
Dan tidak dapat merasa lagi?
Apa salahku di dunia?
Ya,aku memang bersalah,
Aku menipu orang dan diriku sendiri..
Aku tidak dapat melarikan diri,
Mahupun menukar emosiku ini...
Betapa bencinya hatiku pada diriku ini,
Aku menyalahkan diriku untuk segalanya,
Aku menagih simpati,belas kasihan,
padahal,aku sudah memiliki segalanya,
Segalanya yang lebih dari mencukupi,
Tapi,aku sedar,
Tuhan telah menjadikan manusia begini,
Manusia tidak pernah berpuas hati,
Mungkin kerna itu,aku benci akan diriku ini?
Tapi aku tahu,
Aku pasti akan dapat menyayangi diriku ini,
Bila tiba hari itu,
Aku kan bersyukur pada Tuhan,
Kerna segalanya yang telah diberikan...
Akan ku sedar...Akan ku sedar...
You...(my sisters)
Your eyes shines perfectly,
Your smile makes me happy,
The softness of your hair,
The fairness of your skin,
And the perfect shape of body,
Simply makes me crave for it,
Your kind heart,makes me cry,
And think how kind a person could be...
You, as a person,
Is so perfect to me..
How you earn for respect,
And how you respect your surroundings,
How cool you are going through life,
And how calm you handle this tough atmosphere..
That is why you are so perfect to me...
And I thank God,
For giving me a chance of life, an oppurtunity,
to know you, not as a friend,
but as my sister, my family...
-created on 22nd April 2005-
Your smile makes me happy,
The softness of your hair,
The fairness of your skin,
And the perfect shape of body,
Simply makes me crave for it,
Your kind heart,makes me cry,
And think how kind a person could be...
You, as a person,
Is so perfect to me..
How you earn for respect,
And how you respect your surroundings,
How cool you are going through life,
And how calm you handle this tough atmosphere..
That is why you are so perfect to me...
And I thank God,
For giving me a chance of life, an oppurtunity,
to know you, not as a friend,
but as my sister, my family...
-created on 22nd April 2005-
who is funnie...but i think a lot like today..i watched "a lot like love" and "guess who"....guess love is a romantic movie which is so sweet...imagine 6years of love feelings kept in their hearts..and in the end they were together...its a nice movie..i love it!!its amazing how they can keep the feelings for 6 is so amazing..i guess i havent got the true feelings of love then...haha...
Friday, June 10, 2005
Perasaanku....Untukmu sayang......
malam ini,
dapat kurasa,
kesepian yang menimpa jiwa..
dikala kamu sibuk bekerja,
dikala kamu sibuk mengisi masa,
aku telah pun sedar,
yang adakalanya aku tidak ingin bersamamu,
adakalanya,aku ingin sangat mengenali dirimu itu,
dan adakalanya bila aku menanya diriku,
"mengapa aku bersamamu?",
sudah penat aku pikirkan,
sudah penat aku renung-renungkan,
mungkin kita tidak berjodoh,
mungkin kita tidak harus bersama,
walaupun gitu,aku sentiasa ingin menemanimu,
bukan sebagai kekasihmu,bukan sebagai keluargamu,
tetapi sebagai kawanmu...
-created on 10/06/05-
dapat kurasa,
kesepian yang menimpa jiwa..
dikala kamu sibuk bekerja,
dikala kamu sibuk mengisi masa,
aku telah pun sedar,
yang adakalanya aku tidak ingin bersamamu,
adakalanya,aku ingin sangat mengenali dirimu itu,
dan adakalanya bila aku menanya diriku,
"mengapa aku bersamamu?",
sudah penat aku pikirkan,
sudah penat aku renung-renungkan,
mungkin kita tidak berjodoh,
mungkin kita tidak harus bersama,
walaupun gitu,aku sentiasa ingin menemanimu,
bukan sebagai kekasihmu,bukan sebagai keluargamu,
tetapi sebagai kawanmu...
-created on 10/06/05-
Thursday, June 09, 2005
A Poem For You-->sum1...
Another day is going by,
As I'm thinking bout you all the time,
My heart beats faster,
Everytime we meet each other,
So perfect, you are to me,
That's why I wrote this poetry,
I feel safe and secure when you're around me,
You simply makes me go crazy,
Right now, I know that it is true,
That I am so into you,
The way you smile,
Turns my head wild,
I'm hoping for things that just couldn't be,
I ask myself,"why can't you come and be with me?",
I hate to say goodbye,
Eachtime we say hie,
I don't know how long this feelings will stay,
But I hope it won't go away...
-created by me on 06/06/05-
-I don't care how long it takes,I don't care what you are,or who you are,cuz no matter what,I just wanna be with you..
As I'm thinking bout you all the time,
My heart beats faster,
Everytime we meet each other,
So perfect, you are to me,
That's why I wrote this poetry,
I feel safe and secure when you're around me,
You simply makes me go crazy,
Right now, I know that it is true,
That I am so into you,
The way you smile,
Turns my head wild,
I'm hoping for things that just couldn't be,
I ask myself,"why can't you come and be with me?",
I hate to say goodbye,
Eachtime we say hie,
I don't know how long this feelings will stay,
But I hope it won't go away...
-created by me on 06/06/05-
-I don't care how long it takes,I don't care what you are,or who you are,cuz no matter what,I just wanna be with you..
Sunday, June 05, 2005
how cud thiz be??
im in love...but i have a boyfriend..and d guy im in love with is not my cud this be??the guy did culinary arts and he's 21..sweet..polite...nice..goshh...if my boyfriend is reading sorrie sayang..i dunno y..but im so in love with him..wish u cud understand but u cant coz even i,myself dont understand..goshhhhh im so in love!!!!!
im in love...but i have a boyfriend..and d guy im in love with is not my cud this be??the guy did culinary arts and he's 21..sweet..polite...nice..goshh...if my boyfriend is reading sorrie sayang..i dunno y..but im so in love with him..wish u cud understand but u cant coz even i,myself dont understand..goshhhhh im so in love!!!!!
Friday, June 03, 2005
-The Life Of A Mysterious Poet- >cReAtEd bY mE!!
Shall he work for money,
Shall he work for his needs,
Shall he potrey his winnings,
Shall he lay down and sleep..
Thou, the art is a beauty,
It comes from within,
To pen the art on to a paper,
Comes from the heart indeed..
Shall I put a puzzle together,
Nor shall I let it be,
Shall I fix the unsolving questions,
Shall I just wait and see..
Thou, I am not preety,
Nor I have the beauty,
Shall I be a brainy,
I shall let it be and see..
A poem,a poet and a writer..No one can understand them..But people can only feel their feelings..That's what I think people thinks bout me..Here is one poem,I myself created,and am sure that no one could understands it...
-cReaTeD oN 2nd JuNe 2005-
Shall he work for his needs,
Shall he potrey his winnings,
Shall he lay down and sleep..
Thou, the art is a beauty,
It comes from within,
To pen the art on to a paper,
Comes from the heart indeed..
Shall I put a puzzle together,
Nor shall I let it be,
Shall I fix the unsolving questions,
Shall I just wait and see..
Thou, I am not preety,
Nor I have the beauty,
Shall I be a brainy,
I shall let it be and see..
A poem,a poet and a writer..No one can understand them..But people can only feel their feelings..That's what I think people thinks bout me..Here is one poem,I myself created,and am sure that no one could understands it...
-cReaTeD oN 2nd JuNe 2005-
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
How cute a cat could be!!

Name: Iskandar Arrow
Nickname: Arrow @ Abang @ Son
Age: Not sure,should be bout 7/8 years
Body: Fat,like garfield,or even worse,Huggable,Loveble
Language: Cat language,which my family and I understands well indeed
About a cat called Arrow...
He is the sweetest,
He is the greatest,
He is my son indeed...
He is stubborn,
He is naughty,
He is still my son indeed...
He is the one who sleeps next to me,
He is the one who wakes up the same time as me,
He is, no matter what, my son indeed...
Storie about Arrow...
I wuz 14 back then when I ever first laid my eyes on him.He was just a stray cat pondering around in a school which i attended tuition once a weet at night.Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang(SKK).Boy,lucky I was that night!!I'm sure you guys can imagine how a stray cat looks like right?Thin,Dirty and so...While I was in class,he came and slept on my bag.And me,rather than studying,was more interested in him and started to play with him.Plus,he looks exactly like my cat who just died due to sickness about a month before I saw Arrow.Except my cat wuz white with a lil brownish faded spots.So,when class ended,I waited for my mom and I actually hide Arrow in the class cuz I know mom will definately let me have him.But it is rude is I dont ask her,right?So as soon as she came,ran went in the car and told her "mum,there is this cat,male cat who looks exactly like Boboi(the cat I had b4),so cute,mum!!Can I have him?Please?"..And my mom actually say "YES"..Gosh,I wuz the happiest at that moment!!So,I ran back to the class that I locked Arrow in,and took him and hid him under my big wool jacket.And my friends looked at me weirdly coz I look like I'm stealing something.I wuz,I know,but..Arrow wuz all alone..Its no harm keeping him..Plus,look at him all grown and fat now..By the way,I got in the car then,and let him go(in the car),and my mom was shocked.She was like "Owh My God,He's big.I thought he is juat a little kitten"..But I said "I didnt tell you that"..But she let me keep him anyway..I love her for that..But now,with 6 cats at home,there's no way I could bring another "ANIMAL" home..As I'm only famous with bringing new animals home.HeHHeHe..But,Im very happy that I have Arrow in my life..He's nice n sweet but stubborn though.He loves car rides,he loves people chasing him around,he loves to go crazy and run all of a sudden like a mad dog..Gosh,he simply makes me laugh..No matter what,Arrow is the cutest creature I have ever seen.You will love him too,trust me.I brought him to college once for a presentation,gosh,everyone,guy and girls,were in love with him.He's so sweet,huggable,well trained(he sat quietly),good behaviour..I love him and I'll always will......
-The End Of The Storie-
27th JUNE-->tHe dAtE 2 rEmEmBa!!
Dear Lovely Readers Of My Blog,
On the 27th June 2005, there will be a rebirth of the princess.The new much much more interesting princess will be reborn into a "Beautiful","Gorgeous","Pretty,Hot And Tempting(PHAT)","Smart And Really Sexy(SARS)" and a whole lot more new characters!!So,please be sure you know her as she won't be the ugly reddish baby she was 19 years ago..Thank you.
Yours Truly,
On the 27th June 2005, there will be a rebirth of the princess.The new much much more interesting princess will be reborn into a "Beautiful","Gorgeous","Pretty,Hot And Tempting(PHAT)","Smart And Really Sexy(SARS)" and a whole lot more new characters!!So,please be sure you know her as she won't be the ugly reddish baby she was 19 years ago..Thank you.
Yours Truly,
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