Name: Iskandar Arrow
Nickname: Arrow @ Abang @ Son
Age: Not sure,should be bout 7/8 years
Body: Fat,like garfield,or even worse,Huggable,Loveble
Language: Cat language,which my family and I understands well indeed
About a cat called Arrow...
He is the sweetest,
He is the greatest,
He is my son indeed...
He is stubborn,
He is naughty,
He is still my son indeed...
He is the one who sleeps next to me,
He is the one who wakes up the same time as me,
He is, no matter what, my son indeed...
Storie about Arrow...
I wuz 14 back then when I ever first laid my eyes on him.He was just a stray cat pondering around in a school which i attended tuition once a weet at night.Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang(SKK).Boy,lucky I was that night!!I'm sure you guys can imagine how a stray cat looks like right?Thin,Dirty and so...While I was in class,he came and slept on my bag.And me,rather than studying,was more interested in him and started to play with him.Plus,he looks exactly like my cat who just died due to sickness about a month before I saw Arrow.Except my cat wuz white with a lil brownish faded spots.So,when class ended,I waited for my mom and I actually hide Arrow in the class cuz I know mom will definately let me have him.But it is rude is I dont ask her,right?So as soon as she came,ran went in the car and told her "mum,there is this cat,male cat who looks exactly like Boboi(the cat I had b4),so cute,mum!!Can I have him?Please?"..And my mom actually say "YES"..Gosh,I wuz the happiest at that moment!!So,I ran back to the class that I locked Arrow in,and took him and hid him under my big wool jacket.And my friends looked at me weirdly coz I look like I'm stealing something.I wuz,I know,but..Arrow wuz all alone..Its no harm keeping him..Plus,look at him all grown and fat now..By the way,I got in the car then,and let him go(in the car),and my mom was shocked.She was like "Owh My God,He's big.I thought he is juat a little kitten"..But I said "I didnt tell you that"..But she let me keep him anyway..I love her for that..But now,with 6 cats at home,there's no way I could bring another "ANIMAL" home..As I'm only famous with bringing new animals home.HeHHeHe..But,Im very happy that I have Arrow in my life..He's nice n sweet but stubborn though.He loves car rides,he loves people chasing him around,he loves to go crazy and run all of a sudden like a mad dog..Gosh,he simply makes me laugh..No matter what,Arrow is the cutest creature I have ever seen.You will love him too,trust me.I brought him to college once for a presentation,gosh,everyone,guy and girls,were in love with him.He's so sweet,huggable,well trained(he sat quietly),good behaviour..I love him and I'll always will......
-The End Of The Storie-
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