Saturday, December 17, 2011

Crapping 101 #26 --> I was such a drama queen. Sorry Readers...


I think I was over reacting when he left me. Which girl wouldn't? HeHeHe...

Only, I just feel things can work out well. Tapi, kalau hati orang tu dah tak nak, kita tak boleh buat apa lah kan. Menangis air mata darah pun tak guna. At one point, kita cuba and cuba, kalau dah tak berbaloi, kena give up gak kan. Kalau jodoh, tak ke mana pun kan?

Cuma, sedih gak lah. I really loved his family. I wish my parents were as cool as his. But, erk, kenapa ek? Kenapa sometimes, some people can't see what others do for them? I mean, I was adapting well to his lifestyle. Hmm. Eh, asal aku fikir2 benda ni. Forget it lah. If it's meant to be, then ada lah. Kalau tak da, then tak de lah. Kan Kan? LMFAO...

Tapi, I would like to apologize to everyone, especially my readers. I really think it's such a pity for you to read such a sick in the head blog. HaHaHa. I'm just me, I'm such a drama queen. Can't help it. It's just me.

Weh, I can live without him. But, if he comes back, it would be great, not just great, but awesome. HaHaHa..Boleh lah ada teman berbicara semula, teman yang setia, teman yang selalu mendengar. Dia macam bestfriend, bukan lover. Hmm. Aneh bangat ya.


u kno u love me,

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