Sunday, May 16, 2010

bullshitting 101~#47-Imagine again

Let's play imagine game again.

Dear readers, 
Have you had someone you love close to you, but they are not actually close to you? You lived with your family, but, it feels like they are strangers? Calling someone 'mom' or 'dad', but, they don't actually act as one? Imagine, it's always wrong time to have a talk with them. Imagine, he or she always doesnt have time for you, but have time for others. And even if you asked them for help, they complain to much just to help you with a simple task? Imagine having to miss the person who use to shower you with so much love and care and attention, but one day, he or she just changed and don't seem to have time for you anymore...Well yes, time changes people, but, I didnt know time changes parents. Then one day, you realize that you don't see your father as a father anymore, you see him as a bank, just for school money, or as a private home tutor, cause he's good in alot of stuff..Have you felt all that? Maybe some of you actually did felt that before...But some of you might don't even know what is a father, or never even felt a father's love. Well, at least, that is way better than receiving and loving a person, then suddenly, that person just don't seem to have time for you anymore. 

I have felt it. I am going through it. Ive never realized it, but today, there was an incident that made me realize bout it. And I told my self, "OMG, I don't know who that man is anymore, he's just a person I go to for school money, and for help on some study stuff"..The incident that occured today, few hours ago, has really test my patience. I almost shouted at them.I almost felt like killing them. But, while going through that incident, talking to myself, tears was just dancing in my eye, waiting to flow down my skin like a river's flow..Next moment, I found myself in my room, praying for God to give me all the strength I need to face this test, this incident. And thank God, He helped me go through that anger moment. And now, here I am, sharing you what happens in the world of today.

Dear parents of the world, do not, ever, stop giving attention to your child..Eventhough they have gone matured, they are still a human being. Humans love receiving attention. Realizing or not, all of us somehow, in different situation, in different types of matters, we all love the attention..And never put others 1st. Your child is the seed of you.Growing up moments, they need you the most. Do not ever tell them to quiet and go away when they come to you while you're watching some stupid politics news.I swear, I curse the effing politic system!And also, give and take with your child. They help you when you asked them for help eventhough they do make those 'lizard noises'...

Dear Dad, I wished I didnt loose you to time. I wish you were still the same you, who used to have all the time in the world for me. I wished all this didnt happen. Most of all, I wished that you realized all these...

Now, Imagine...

u know u love me,


Apple Tan said...

:) I like this post, Nat.

nathra nd said...

thanks babe..hehe..

Anonymous said...

Imagine other way around.
Daughter, mid 20's, only seeing father as bank.
Imagine again, would be good insight.

good post.

nathra nd said...

well,dear anonymous.
thank u for reading.
deep is the only thing i feel these days,especially loosing all my friends,when im alone now,everything seems to be deep for me.haha.
well,yes,i did imagine how terrible it is,for a daughter to only see her father as a bank, but then, think again, why does the daughter think her father as a bank?
he made her see him as a bank.she tried to look at her father as a father, but, he kept pushing her away. imagine trying,all the time, but being pushed away. she got sick of it,been patient for too long.he changed her perception towards him.
thanks ;)