Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crapping 101 #56 - I have no idea...

WOW!! Feels like been years since I last updated my blog....

So, I have a new job, technically, not really new, been 3 months... I'm now working in a hospital, yeah yeah, I know, a designer in a hospital...whatttt... but hey, peeps, EVERY COMPANY NEEDS A DESIGNER occayyy.... :)

Neways, work is awesome. For the 1st time in my life, I can actually say, "Hey, I love my job!" They make me feel like a designer. I'm starting to feel like a designer too. FINALLY! Thank God! They love my job, not only my boss, the doctors too! YEAY!

And, yes, my love life is getting better, I think. I found someone who could love me and accept me. And, he fits the criteria I prayed for. Yeap, it's funny how I met him. Insyaallah, he will be my husband. He can change me and bring me to the right path. But, yeah, everytime there's a but ya? But, he's younger to me 5 years. Will the age difference be a problem? Maybe it is? He's 21 but acting like 26, I'm 26 acting like 21...Haa...I have young blood in me, and he's being very uncle2. LOL. But, when I met him, for the 1st time in my life, I actually cried thanking God for what God has given me (apart from my babies...)

Now, he's changing from whom I actually 1st met. I'm coping up with accepting the changes. Yeah, sometimes I get pissed, but when I'm alone, I sit and think about it, I am also changing my self, to accept him. Coz I choose him, Coz God brought him to me, so, I have to deal with it, Im saying this in a good way :)

Erm, oh, I actually found a cat, Sophie, a long furred cat, she was perfecto! She does her business in d toilet, waits for me before going out, very disciplined. But then, one day, she went missing :( Was sooo sad. Even till today, I'd still pray she'd come back and that I'd meet her again.

Shoots, since the death of my neighbour's dog, BeeMan, I miss him so much till today. URGH!

Ya, and I found another cat, medium long fur, took her from a Tomyam shop in Ampang. At first, she had trouble living with my other cats, now, she's coping up well. I named her Darling, coz she only response to that name.... Sigh~

There was something that happened recently, something I did a month ago, I'd rather not say what. But, I hope God could forgive me for what I've done. I'm hoping to forget that day...I wish I cud erase my memories just for that period of time. Sigh* T.T

Anyways, so far so good. I've stopped my depression pills, on my own, after I met my boyfriend. I feel partially completed in life, but one more step to go before I completely feel satisfied with life - Marriage.

I now want a baby so badly. I wanna play dress up with him/her. I wanna bring him/her up in a good way. I already have names for them too :) And, I have planned how I'm going to bring him/her up, like how I heard an Ustaz was saying.
The 1st 7 years - love him/her, treat them very manja'ly...
The 2nd 7 years - beat them if needed, be strict to them...
The 3rd 7 years - be friends with them, share problems with them...
The 4th 7 years - guide them, but let them fly...
Yeah, sometimes I do listen to the IKIM.fm....It's a good channel... :P

Anyways, gotta go now...Will update again next time. Daym, need to write more poems again! Miss writing, and ARGH, need to continue my novel!!!!! LMFAO~

Till then...

u know u love me,

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