Monday, December 19, 2011

Crapping 101 #29--> Breath and live life...(POEM TIME)

Written on : 27th November 2011

Take it easy!
Just go with the flow!
Those are the words I tell myself.

After 25 years of living,
Somehow there's still negativity in me,
I've developed this terrible mood swings too,
I need to change.

Can I really do that?
Will it really work?
What happened to that person I use to be?
Is she still here,
lingering in me?

Let's see what the future brings,
Just like that que sara sara song,
'The future's not ours to see,'
So, I shall let it be,
And just keep doing what I have been doing,
Breathe and live life.

u kno u love me,

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