Sunday, July 03, 2011

bullshitting 101~#94 Updates about me...

So, after the news I received about one of my baby, Arrow...

I returned home last Friday, only to find him in his worst condition. OMG, I felt so bad. If only I had the powers to do something. Mom said I should put him to sleep, but Tash said let him die naturally. F-U-C-K, that's the four letter word that is going on on my mind. What should I do? I really haven't got a clue about whether I should or should not put him to sleep, or whether I should or should not let him suffer like what he's going through now. He's on my mind all the time. Can't concentrate on life like usual. W-O-R-K S-U-C-K L-I-K-E- F-U-C-K, even worst. Haihh.. I came up with a conclusion, that there's only 2 option left in this world for me. 1 is to D.I.E. or 2 is to G.E.T. M.A.R.R.I.E.D. Hmm...Can I go with die? 

You know, I realized something, since I started working, I became fatter, even worse than a piggo. I dosh like crazy, like there was no more days left to dosh. The worst part is, I BECAME A NEGATIVE PERSON AGAIN!!! WTJACK right? So, do you guys think that work is good for me? I don't know man. I regret with my whole soul, that I did the course I did, and that I don't have the guts to hurt my parents by telling them the truth.

Oh shit. Am at Mcd, writing this blog, and I feel like crying. What a loser. LMAO.

Let's pray that my baby will either get well, or God could stop his suffering. AND that I will get married, or die. Ngeeee~

u kno u love me,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any updates ?

Seems like working life had changed you, no more time to blog ?