Hey readers, how have y'all been doing?
So, this post might be a little deep. Just a thought that came to me yesterday as I was thinking while watching TV. As usual, my brains can never stop thinking. NGEEE~
Well, think about this.
You are who you are today. Have you ever thought that you would be who you are today, or what you are doing today?
For examples, college students, have you ever thought that you'd be in college today? Maybe previously you're just a screwed up high school kid who screw up things in high school, but today, you are in a college. Aren't you proud of yourself? Wow. When I was in highschool, that was me, I fooled around, exams never mattered much to me and I WAS NEVER SCARED OR NERVOUS on exam days. LOL. I felt sooo weird looking at all my friends being nervous for exams back then. But hey, then when I was in college, the 1st year was tough, wait, think about it, my whole 3 years was a torture. LMAO. I kept saying that I was gonna quit, that I was gonna die and all those negative shietzos. But heck, I made it through. And this Saturday, 4th of June will be my Graduation Ceremony. WOAH. I'm a prouddddddddd women!
Now, some of you might be doctors, designers, photographers, executives, teachers, engineers and so on, maybe even bummers. Have you ever thought that you'd be who you are today? Or today, have you ever just snapped for a second and thought 'woah, look at where I am today'? Well, for me, I used to think that I don't fit to be a designer, but heck, I am a graphic designer and a photographer today. Wow. Amazing, eventhough I just hate it so much. LMAO. But still, I've been that for like 3 months now, and yet, it's still pretty unbelievable. Hmm. Aren't you proud of what you made of yourself? Maybe your parents never believed in you back then, and BOOOMMMMM, now you're somebody. Wow. Amazing ain't it?
This post was actually written because of my brother in law. It just came up to my head, and I was so close to asking him 'have you ever thought that you'd be who you are today?' He's just amazing. I love the fact that God made him my brother in law and not some other guy. :)
Anyway, readers, do think about this. But hey, to those of you who's just bumming around out there, don't feel miserable aite, coz, working life is just not even close to great. I'd say, college was way better. But do plan something for yourself. Don't waste life. If you really have nothing to do, or maybe waiting for a job, why don't go take the time to think what life is really all about. Is it doing the same routine everyday or the same boring routine everybody does (study, work, get married, have a family, bla bla bla), or is there something more to it? Go figure that out.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Do not forget to always use our brains, so, T.H.I.N.K.!! =)
P/s: Message to bummers. Did you know that if you don't exercise your brains(like doing crosswords,trivias or wordsearch and so on), you most probably have the potential of having memory lost and Alzheimer when you're old? So, chopp chopp, start exercising!!
u know u love me,
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