Friday, April 02, 2010


~The Magic Beneath~
-written on the 22nd of March 2010-
*it was written on a Monday, third day after the breakup. I was inspired by the lake I was hanging out at, at the apartment, at Seri Kembangan.*

The lake, the peaceful water,
It dances slowly, gracefully,
The smell of the lake,
Oh how it excites me.

The sun shines on the water,
How beautiful it is,
It's more heart warming than a diamond,
This is it,
The home of many water creatures,
But here I am,
Wondering, pondering alone,
Is there more than the water creatures?
Perhaps a wonderland, beneath the calm waters,
Perhaps a party underwater,
Perhaps a mermaid land,
Perhaps, a magical underwater, yet haven't been touched,
Secretly hiding, smiling happily to be unfound,
Oh, what if they are looking at me?
I should then be at my best look, yes, I should!
And I can, I already felt magic.

~The Call From The Lake~
-written on 22nd of March 2010-

I hear my name being called,
They are calling me,
Softly, soft voices almost a whisper,
"Nathra, Nathra, Come join us"

This is it, I thought,
My chance to be happy and free,
Gracefully swimming side by side with them,
No more thinking to do, no more worrying,
Just be me, wild and free.

But then came a strong wind,
Along with the thunder,
Waking me from my daze,
Realizing me of reality,
"I can't," I answered softly,
"This is my world, this is my choice,
My life is here, I belong on land." 

Then I heard, soft cries,
The nature begin to sound,
The crows begin crowing badly, repeatedly,
But they understood, my choice.

But I know and they know,
My heart will always be with them, 
I am, their warrior, their saviour,
I vow my life to them.

~I am, me~
-written on the 22nd of March 2010-

This is it, this is me,
Im lucky,
Im lucky to own this perfectly good pair of eyes,
To see how beautiful the nature is,
How beautiful the sky and clouds are.
Im lucky to own this perfectly good ears,
To hear the sound of nature,
The sound of birds, the sound of water.
Im lucky to own this perfectly good senses,
To feel the beauty of nature,
The beauty of life.

And I saw, the evil me,
Waving goodbye,
Her part is done, and, I won,
I won my destiny,
I choose to let it be,
I choose to be happy,
All along, I thought others influenced me,
But now, I woke up,
From the 24 years of dreaming.

It's all in my hands,
It's only me who can change my destiny,
It's a new day, it's a new hope,
I am, me.

u kno u love me,

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