Tuesday, March 30, 2010

bullshitting 101~#37 - real bullshyt!!

I thought to myself,
Here I am,
Feeling so sad,
Unable to even have the feel of wanting to look at a man,
Unable to even think of the word fun,
And there he is,
Having fun..
Going ahead with his life...


Then I tell myself, 


proudtohave4eyes said...

Don't think too much. You don't deserve to suffer like this. Distract yourself. Do something that will make you happy. Continue your life. Someday things will be better and you better believe in this, don't question it. Stay positive, don't pull yourself down anymore. Love yourself.

princess_nathra said...

thank u sze yen..i am trying very hard..but,its like this,one moment im happy,one moment im sad..i'd call it,emotionally unstable..but im trying to distract myself..finally putting my head onto my final projects..haha..but hey,thanks..:)

proudtohave4eyes said...

welcome, don't worry as long as you believe in yourself, anything is possible.