Saturday, January 03, 2009

read it..

this is a comment i made to someone's post..tapi it seems that it suit to be here...

that night,i made decision not to go out so i stayed at my sister's 18th floor apartment in w.maju just to c the view of kl..i felt too old to celebrate all those nonsense..

but on jan 1st,at bout 7.40am,my sister woke me up,she said her sister in law is in the ER..then i mandi,to get ready gi hospital,then she told me,sister in law dia,dah meninggal..i was too shocked..till today,i still cant believe..maybe korang ada dgr dlm brita..kete satria neo putih..dkt2 jln tun razak..

the worst part,im thinkin,am i a heartless person?the fact that tears couldnt flow,made me more dissapointed wit my self..i was sad sampai badan bergetar,muka blur sbb tak leh percaya,tapi air mata tanak mengalir..hmm..

kesimpulannye,i just wanted to say,what a way to start a brand new year..sadness..

kepada kamu2 semua,berhati2lah di jalan raya..and,dont get so happy,coz u may never know when ur time is..dan janganlah kamu lupa pada mereka yang melahirkan kamu,dan mereka yang telah bersama kamu dalam suka dan duka..

have u say 'i love you' to ur parents today?


Anonymous said...

dh lama i x celeb new year..slalu nye i lepak umah this end of year i kuar ngan BOB..hehehe just to see and watch wat ppl celeb and wanted to celeb during new yr eve

princess_nathra said...

ye ke..oo..u la yg lepak ngan bob tu..hehe..i think,i wont be celebrating it anymore..unless cam buat bbq partay je kat umah..hehe..