well well..
so i found out..
the DLSR camera cost RM1870...
thank god i have great aunties n uncles..
me aunt said she can help me 1st..
to think about all this,
life is a great adventure..
what u think,that's what will be..
i shud try being positive yeah?!
oh ied?
im still being left hanging in this relationship..
again,i have another bf,
its been bout 3days,
the feelings is fading/not there anymore i think..
izzit possible that i have been black magic-ed??
i dunno la..but i think i wont accept the facts..
maybe if he comes back,
i wonder,
how will it be then..
1 comment:
oh shit, who is the another damn guy la? ko nie....ishhhh... kejap2 ada jer ganti. tak baik tau.
hope ied tak tahu! :D
black magic? i dunno. but it freaks me out everytime i teringat kat wht u sed. yg ied ada bende tuh....haihh. maybe he didnt, and because of his sentence, we cuak. haha.
tough! wei! aku dh jadik pengikut ko yg setia, now itrs ur turn. jadikla pengikutku nat!
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