What goes around comes around,what goes up must come down.Karma will be catching up soon...
Monday, December 29, 2008
newsflash bout ied!
i feel better..
i got to know,that ied is now in sarawak..
and ied's phone is with abang zalimi and the simcard is with the sister..
thank u god!!
at least i know something bout ied..hmm..
i really love him..
even after all the other shitty mistakes ive done..
i wont..i wont cheat anymore..
coz..its all lust..
i cant fall for anyone anymore..
i love him too much..
i will keep waiting...
owh..so happy!!
p.i.n.k a.d.d.i.c.t tells her story..

that's who i am..
i ain't sure if that's whom i will be in the future..
i use to be..
then when i was in limkokwing,
i was..
therefore..for the future,
i can't say yet whom i will be..
but for now,
i have black n pink punk bangles..
i have pink socks..
i have pink hair highlights..
i have pink teeshirt..
i have pink bags..
i have pink pens..
and im eye-ing for the pink LG handphone..
and more pink stuffs...
therefore,here,i would like to say...
i am....
-P.I.N.K A.D.D.I.C.T-
my new year song
Went back home again
this sucks gotta pack up and leave again
say goodbye to all my friends
can't say when I'll be there again
It's time now to turn around
Turn my back on
EVERYTHING (turn my back on) everything....
Everything'schanging when I turn around all out of my control I'm a mobile.
Start back at this life
Stretch myself back into the vibe
I'm waking up to say I've tried
Instead of waking up to another TV GUIDE
It's time now to turn around
Turn and walk on this crazy ground oh oh oh....
mobile..the song for me..for new year..
Sunday, December 21, 2008
when will all this end?
been waiting..
how long more i have to wait?
im bursting out my brains,
just trying to figure out,
why hasn't he call me?
super shitty feeling..
waiting,suck big time!!
hoping,is suffering!
mohd iedrus bin daud,
i waited,
and waited...
and i hope u will remember me,
as the girl,who waited,
and stopped herself from moving on..
i am,
just a normal girl,
who craves for him,
who wants more,
who has been waiting,
waiting, and waiting...
i dont know,
how long i can last,
how long more i can wait..
but i will,
keep on,waiting,
even if u have forgotten me,
even if u have choose to dump me,
even if u took a major big step ahead of me...
i dont know why,
a kind of feeling,
in my heart,
that has been beating,
an uneasy feeling,
and it is called,
in the name of love,
i will wait...
i will keep asking,
when will all this end?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
ARRIOS....sunway pyramid..top floor!!
kat sunway pyramid,
kedai tu,selesa gile,
leh smoke, mamat keje kat sana pun cute(hehe)..tapi warga myanmar..
that day, i hang out there, from 2pm till bout 9.30pm...
only got up to go to the loo...omg..
it was sooo comfortable laa...
feel like i was at home..
*note:if u sit at the long sofa la,not the single chair!*
i love that shop..somemore, the guy know what i always drink..diet coke!!
i officially love that shop!!somemore can smoke...fuhyooo...
they play [v] or mtV on tv somemore..wokeh la tu rite?
hmmm.....kedai tu,kat tingkat atas,sunway pyramid..huhu...
silalah pergi...they got delicious hot chocolate drink..yummy...speggeti ok la..takde r xsedap!!
ini adalah free promote utk kedai tu..wakakakakaka....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
hidup ni...camne ek?
ehh takk...
hidup ni,umpama kapal terbang yang telah melanggar wtc..
hmm..leh jadi...tapi tak gak kot...
hidup ni,umpama minum coke dan jadi mabuk sbb coke..
hahaha...lagi r tak logic...
hidup ni,macam perlawanan baseball,ada kalah,ada menang...
haa...logic r gak kan?hmm..
well,life is like a game,its god's game,so,u gotta play it well...
i screwed up mine..i lost in the game..for now...
in the future,i may never know whether i will win,or still loose...
so,lets just see,how the game goes.......
p/s: to readers of my blog,find in my previous posts in MAY2005 posts,a poem titled 'yesterday,today and tomorrow'...its beautiful..read it..
PAWGS-after 5years of not having to read a whole bloody text book,now i have too...
hmm...my brain hurts,i feel dizzy,i feel sick,wanna throw up!
eee,pissed at myself for cant accepting more info!!
urghhh,disgusted with my lack of bookworm talent...
Monday, December 08, 2008
humans n problems...
can i run away,from all the problems that im facing right now,and just come back again,after a year?
why is it,that,humans and problems,cant be separated?
i never knew,life would be darn complicated..hmm...
if i knew,i wouldnt wanna be that one choosen sperm/ovum...
and if i cud change my life at this very moment,i wud wanna change it...
i wanna be a princess,who has a happy life,without problems,and have Ied as my prince,and have everything done very easily,and also smart...
Saturday, December 06, 2008
apakah akan berlaku setelah kematianku?
adakah mereka akan rinduiku?
adakah mereka akan mengingatiku?
persoalan demi persoalan..
bilakah ia akan terhenti....
Thursday, December 04, 2008
what about life?
but to me,life was never perfect..maybe,being the last in the family,therefore,life is just unfair..there is an explaination to that theory ya..im not just writing that for fun..but it is fact..hmm..
well,my life,is always sad..but everytime before i leave my house,i put on a fake mask..a mask that shows me laughing,n smiling...well,u can call me a faker,but,there are reasons to that...
have u ever felt like,u have everything,but yet,there is something missing..like a missing piece from a puzzle..hmmm..that's me...
well,I A.M D.A.M.N C.O.M.P.L.I.C.A.T.E.D!!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
kerinduan di dalam dada,
teramat menusuk jiwa..
tiada panggilan.
tiada bersua..
ku ditinggalkan..
7bulan(bila ko nak tiba?)
sampai bila aku harus menanti?
berlalu lah kamu masa..
berlalu lah dengan pantas..
i miss IED...
my policeman..
my property!!
i will wait,for as long as i have to wait...
i will.....keep waiting....
*teringat lagu avril-keep holding on plak*
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
hidup ini memang penuh kesedihan.
hidup ini dicampur sedikit kebahagiaan.
tapi bagiku,
seribu senyuman ku lemparkan,
yang satu di dalam hati,cuma keperitan.
persoalan,demi persoalan,
dapatkah ia terhenti di suatu masa nanti?
jika ku berada di dimensi yang lain,
atau mungkin juga jika ku dilahirkan semula setelah kematian,
dapatkah ku menjadi seperti kamu yang lain?
yang memiliki seribu senyuman yang ikhlas..
hidup ini tidak sehebat mana,
tapi ku tetap bertahan menghadapinya.
kerna Dia amat berkuasa,
telah dijanjikan kehidupan olehNya,
maka,aku akan bersabar..
biarpun ku harus tetap terseksa,
biarpun ku harus tetap memberi seribu senyuman palsu yang seterusnya,
aku sudah biasa..
apakah harus aku menunjukan diriku yang sebenar kepada dunia?
kenapa harus aku?
tidakkah itu memang sudah menjadi kebiasaan di dalam diri manusia?
untuk berbohong akan keadaan mereka yang sebenarnya?
biarlah ku teruskan bersembunyi disebalik seribu senyuman dan persoalan ini...