Monday, December 19, 2011

Crapping 101 #31 --> The man...

Written on : 19th December 2011

There was a time,
When she'd given up hope on love.
She never trusted men,
She closed her heart till then...

There was a guy she met,
A crush from back then,
A 14 year old girl,
Now all grown up,
After 11 years,
They finally date.

She thought she could never love a man,
The way she loved her son,
Little did she know,
She was madly in love with him.

He lifted her up from a dark hole,
The darkest hole no one could imagine,
He shined her path,
He gave her a reason to live again.

She never knew love,
She never understood love,
Till she stared into his eyes,
And it was glowing, so beautifully,
Showing her what love meant.

They barely knew each other,
But love was in the air,
Till suddenly, one day,
He took her soul away.

She fell again, deeper than before,
To a place where no one could reach her again.
She hopes to see a hand,
She hopes to see him again,
But where oh where,
Is that beautiful man?

Now what's left,
She's drowning in her tears,
Will he be back,
To make her live again?
Where oh where,
Is that beautiful man?

u kno u love me,

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