This is life, feeling scared is something that can't be separated with human beings. Therefore, I have that feeling too. Its killing me inside. Im so scared....
Im scared of:
- Loosing the man I currently love so much.
- Loosing my precious relationship with my sister.
- Loosing my family.
- This lack of motivation feeling that I'm feeling which is bringing me down in studies.
- Not being able to achieve my dreams to go to the U.S. to be a photographer with National Geographic and nudity photographer freelance/with Playboy.
- Being alone in this evil world.
- Loosing all my babies(Cats,Tortoises n Fishes).
- Being a loser.
- Being a sad pathetic person I use to be,again...
- Hurting the heart of the man I love.
- Missing people alot, coz it makes me cry.
- L.O.V.E.
- Going crazy and loosing my mind.
- Having anger management issues.
- Loosing my husband(I don't know who that is gonna be) coz I hate sex.
- being so scared...
There's many more points that I can type, but I rather not bore all of you readers :)
"Fears need to be faced with bravery"
u know u love me,
Good blog. Should explain why you are scared of each point or why you thing they will or will not occur.
thank u anonymous person.thanks for the compliments...
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