Monday, October 27, 2008

dear anonymous...

well,my post,titled "waiting" has been commented by an anonymous..
well,dear anonymous,well,waiting hurts..but if u like a person,u shud tell the person,coz if i were u,i wud go to that person,and let him/her know how i feel about him/her...
and if that person already know,but maybe for unwanted reasons he/her couldnt be with u,and u know that there's no way u gonna be with that person,then straight to ur face im telling u,THERE IS SUCH WORD IN THIS WORLD AS "MOVE ON".....sorrie to be harsh...
see,for my case,i am already in a relationship,and im worried of his wellbeing...coz we r separated by the,its very difficult..
try imagining urself,having a loved one(which u r in relationship with!),being god knows how far away from u,and u havent seen him/her in 3weeks and in the next 7months,and u havent heard from him/her in 2weeks since he/her landed in that place,and u dont know if u r gonna hear from him/her in the next 7months...
now,picture that....
but anyways,thank you for reading and putting down ur thoughts on my blog,i highly appreciate it...

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