once upon a time,there lived a huge cat named arrow.he was so sweet,and one day,he fell in love with a bunnie..they played all day and all night,running around freely across the field..then,they both climb a mountain,and found an old wooden house..arrow told bunnie not to go in,but bunnie was anxious to find out what was in there..arrow forced bunnie to go home with him,so they left for home..the next morning,arrow woke up from sleep and couldnt find bunnie anywhere,and he guessed that bunnie had went to the old wooden house..bunnie did went to the old wooden house..bunnie was walking in and saw a witch casting spells on little 7dwarfs..bunnie got shock and accidently shouted.the witch heard her and cast a spell on her turning her into a teddybear..the witch then threw bunnie outside the door..arrow otherwise,rushed to the mountain and was heading to the old wooden house..he then found bunnie,on the road,turned into a teddy bear..arrow was so sad....he then brought the bunnie back home...arrow lived with bunnie and never let bunnie out of his sight...even when he is sleeping.....-the end-
p/s:this is a picture i captured while arrow sleeping with the bunnie...so sweet right?poor bunnie....
hahaha...funnie story...huhu....
-created by me on 20th november 2006-
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