Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Miracle Day...


Today: Miracle Day

I woke up at 2.30pm today, and as usual, as i wake up, the 1st thing i do is to check my phone(hehehe)...So i saw that i got a message, i viewed message and i got shocked, and my eyes just open widely...I didnt expect it at all...I got a message from someone that i have just been waiting for 7months...

Yes, Iedrus text me..he said 'hai syg...' and i just didnt even believe that it was him, plus i just woke up see, i really thought i was dreaming..So i text his brother and i called cik Natelppa..

To cut the story short, Iedrus told me to call him if i dont believe it, and cik Natelppa gave me the courage to call him..And i asked him 3question to make sure it was him and he answered straight without even a pause:
Question 1: "Dulu Iedrus slalu minum air kotak apa?"
He answered: "STRAWBERRYYYYYYYY" and he sounded so cute saying it..haha..
Question 2: "1st time i kuar ngan Iedrus, kita lepak dalam kereta kat mana?"
He answered: "Bangsar"
Question 3: "1st time i kuar ngan Iedrus, dia pakai baju apa?"
He answered: "Hijau"
And i was pretty damn sure that it was him...Haha...

Well, he's still in sabah, going crazy not knowing when he's gonna come back..Haha..

And he's not feeling well, he's sick, and he misses me and he loves me...And all this, just made my day...Eventhough dad scolded me just now, i was justttttt happy in my head..hahahaha...

Wow, finally after waiting for 7months, finally...hmm...Now i just can't wait for him to come back, i just wanna hug him tight...


1 comment:

princess_nathra said...

i seriously think this is bullshit..haha..who am i kidding??i dont even know how i feel about him..hmm..