Saturday, May 23, 2009


so,i met this new guy on facebook,he's nice,he's sweet,he cares about me,he didnt just left me shut for 7months then suddenly one day text me and the other day shut again(arghhh)...well,i like him too,at that time laa,now,i love him..bit by bit,and it will be soo much soon...
his name is sharif,he's..ermm...he's arghhh sooo sweet...hehe..he's a photographer/musician..he's smart..he definately can speak english...his lips are sooooooo soft(hehehe),yeap,went out with him today,kissed for the 1st time..ohh,and now,im just stillllll feel like im in lala land....hmmm...that feeling,of his soft lips,on mine,ohhh,i just cant forget...
ok,that's the latest news for now..hehe..before i get too in detail and make everyone puke..hahaha...
yeap..that's about it...btw,i just found out today,that he's a shy guy...when meeting girls..haha..cute...arghhh....kufumaufaurofogolfoldifiafa(nix,u know what im saying..haha..)

p/s: what happens to iedrus?hmm...letting him go,i guess...coz,now i think,he actually left me,that day he stopped calling me..and 7months?gosh,that's a pretty long time..that i aint sure bout my feelings anymore..and,i think,by the way he sounded that day,i pretty much sure,he kindda lost that feeling too...hurmpp...



flash said...

see your dad was right. one day like this next day like that. and now his back, what are you gonna do?

mind you, him not calling you for 7 months is out of order, but then u waiting for him for six month.....

well atleat things are looking good for you. two guys hunh?

also how is your study going. u quit or carried on, or repeating

princess_nathra said...

dear flash,
what do u mean by my dad was right?hmm..what im gonna do?i might break up with iedrus(the one who left me for 7months)...somehow,i realized,after 7months,that i dont really have that feelings anymore...
then came this new guy,and i have to make a decision,and i also have to think of the future..therefore,ive made my choice,but,im so scared to face iedrus and tell him that it is over,because,he is actually a nice n kind guy,but,people's feeling changes from time to time right?hmm...
my studies?after cursing at it like all the time,i realize,i am actually strong to go through it..and instead of thinking how dark life is,i started realizing that i have to look at the bright side of life..hehe..oh yeah,since i have this new guy in my life,all his sentences of wisdom,somehow changes me..hmm..
neway flash,mind if i know who u r? a lil details or something bout urself?hehe..

flash said...

dad was right as in one day happy and next day cry.

im glad about your studies.
rather than document n focus on the negitve and sad aspects of life, you should also focus on the positive.

u did a blog when u hit dead end. should have done when you started.

well id, or wotever his name is, did make u wait 7 months, but did he ask u to? expect u to. and ure new bf, we dont his name do we? if id is nice n didnt expect u to wait, he can be a very good mate for u until future tells u otherwise.

think about it.

i am flash. here today gone today. dont think we have met, found ure blog while skipping on the net.

flash said...

dad was right as in one day happy and next day cry.

im glad about your studies.
rather than document n focus on the negitve and sad aspects of life, you should also focus on the positive.

u did a blog when u hit dead end. should have done when you started.

well id, or wotever his name is, did make u wait 7 months, but did he ask u to? expect u to. and ure new bf, we dont his name do we? if id is nice n didnt expect u to wait, he can be a very good mate for u until future tells u otherwise.

think about it.

i am flash. here today gone today. dont think we have met, found ure blog while skipping on the net.

princess_nathra said...

well flash,crying,i think,maybe,its gonna be the old me,since i have this new guy in my life,ive been singing songs like 'always look at the bright side of life'..hehe..everytime i wanna curse,or talk about sucky life with frens,i think twice,because he always tell me not to..hmm..isnt that gud?
well,iedrus?ermm,he did ask me to wait,he also did promise to call everyweek,but he didnt,for 7months,and,i guess,ive been lying to myself for these 7months,i have ran outta love with iedrus,i dont think i have that feelings,im trying to love,but i cant,then came this new guy,and i love this new guy...
ive been thinking of breaking up with iedrus,but something is stopping me,im just too scared to hurt him,iedrus is a nice guy,but,i just gotta think of the future...
and i know,i can picture the future of me being with the new,since i found out that iedrus came back,he dont have a phone,ok,but if he did love me,he would have find a way to call me,dont u think?since that day he called to tell me he's back,till now,still no calls from him...hmm...