Monday, May 18, 2009

father's love...


true story

once,she were so close to her father..she look up to him more than anything..he's her goddess,he's her life,he's everything to her..till one day,this thing that humans are so greedy of, that i seem to hate so much,that is called money,spoilt their relationship..her father became more to him self..her father lost his job..her father is not young anymore,and her father has to supply food and shelter for her n her,slowly,time passes by,she dont really bond with her father anymore,and that relationship that was once special,has turned sour,dull,not knowing each other anymore.......

then suddenly,her life seem to turn upside down, everything is just bad luck,all she gives is nothing but trouble...and one day,when her dad was just relaxing,she went to hug him...and he didnt hug her back...but he said 'aahhh, after you cry'...its like chasing her she just left.

then she started questioning herself, does her father still loves her?does her father still see her as that special one?does her father hate her??all these question...and tears just began to flow,on her skin,on her cheeks,and it became cold as the aircond blows the air..and everything just doesnt matter anymore now...coz they hate her...

see how some of u are still lucky that u have a father, and that u have a father who loves u, a father who cares for u...when was the last time u say that magical word to ur father?that 3 word "i love u"??when was the last time u hugged ur father?

coz God is great..and u wont know when will be the last time u ever see your father...dont be afraid, dont be ashamed,instead, be proud, feel proud and tell ur father that u love him,and hug him...coz,he might be gone,anytime,anysecond now,maybe in the next one minute,the next hour,the next day,the next week?

think about it readers...


Nixie said...

ohhh man... makes me feel even worse... i NEVER not ONCE in my life EVER said that to my dad... the clooooosest thing to that was that was when i mintak ampun every raya...which i hate coz i feel weak at that moment.. Atleast u had good times with him.. my dad, he just never change at all.. cold je dr dulu.. so..yeahh... i really cant wait to spoil them with my achievements and money after i graduate.. they deserve the love..

princess_nathra said... least it made u glad my post helps u realize,sometimes nix,u gotta just forget bout the odd feelings u will feel,just tell him that u love matter what,he's always ur dad...

flash said...

hmmm getting soft? one day mum next day daddy?

keep up the good work, but your writing some serious thought provoking stuff

princess_nathra said...

well flash, i am soft inside..only a few people know about this..hehe..well,so happen,it happened again,and this time,daddy,but its not to my sister though,its to wrote it down..hehe..and to make people realize somehow...