Monday, May 11, 2009


mother, mummy, mama, ibu, amma, ummi

mother's day..

how sure you are, when you say "happy mother's day" to your mother?
how sure you are, when you say "i love you mom" to her?
how sure are you, that you love her? that you really love her?

think about it...

what if, u had a mom who is just so hard to live with, to cope with, to breathe with...
what if, u had a mom who is just so controlling over your life, your sister's life, your brother's life?
what if, u had a mom who don't even care about u, your sister, your brother?

true story:
there's this mom, who wouldn't answer her phone, on mother's day, call from her own blood, her 25 year old daughter, who's living in another country-->why? because she didn't agree to go to that another country to get that man her mother wants her daughter to get married to+she wants too...due to work, money and time...

so, how many of you have a mother, who gives you the freedom to make your own decision, to make a choice of your life, understand bout your feelings, a mother who may be angry at you but still have the heart to answer your call on mother's day?

but yet, you complain about your mother?
yet, you say your mother is full of crap?
but that girl, still loves her mom, still go through it even if she can't take it anymore...

think about it...



flash said...

wow must say thats your best blog to date, in terms of impact and story.

thought it would be a soppy mothers day story.

friends mother is it?

princess_nathra said...

well thank you.
its actually my own mother.
and flash,are you one of my friends or you are someone who just so happen to be on my blog?hehe..

FLASH said...

nope, i was just surfing the net, skipping blog to blog and came across yours. just managed to read all your stuff. kinda dark but fresh, not the usual, well the bf bit is usual.

wow your mother, kinda harsh dont u think? think you should show her your blog or actually talk to her, if u havent already.

princess_nathra said...

well flash,thanks for the compliments...
well,it is kindda harsh..but i want people to appreciate their mothers...well,maybe my mum is going thru hard maybe i wrote that when i was not at a gud state of mind,and felt sorrie for my sister..
neway,thanks for reading my blog,and keep reading aight.