Thursday, May 28, 2009

2 in 1

if a person claims that he or she loves u,
and at the same time, he or she dont have a phone,
dont u think he or she shud try no matter how, to call u?
maybe he did ran outta love too......

this new guy,shariff,he's great...he's just sooo cute..arghh..somehow, he makes me feel like i wanna be a better person, live a greater live, carry on living without hating it, be a real girl(finally)...i mean, seriously, im like, starting to think of 'oh man,what am i gonna wear today?', and ive been singing songs like 'allllways look at the brighttttt side of life'....hahahahaha...omg,im changing...huhu...glad..oh,but imagine me changing, but last time,i always break up with the person when i start to feel that the person ask me to,WOW!!!

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